How to Clean a Top Loading Washing Machine

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Learn how to clean a top loading washing machine with bleach and white vinegar in this easy step by step tutorial!

This post shows how to clean a top load wash, for a cleaning tutorial for front load washers, click here.

cleaning washer agitator

Do you need to clean a top load washer?

Short answer: yes!

I spend an enormous amount of time doing laundry.  Between my husband and kids I do way more laundry than I ever thought a family of five could produce.

With all of that use, detergent residue, mold, and grime can build up fast, like in the photo below.

dirty washing machine soap dispenser

I would always make a mental note to do something about it but I obviously never quite got around to it. (Our poor neglected appliances!)

Until this week.

Determined to break this cycle of yuck I researched and researched the best way to clean a washing machine and here’s what I came up with.

Step by step



  1. Clean the Washing Machine with Bleach Fill washer tub all the way up with HOT water.  Not warm water, not cold, fill that baby with the hottest water setting as the setting will allow. 
  2. Add one quart of bleach, set it on the longest cycle (for me this was the “whitest whites” cycle) and let the washer agitate for a few minutes, then let it sit one hour by pausing the cycle.  After the hour let it complete the wash cycle. ***If you prefer not to use bleach you may substitute a quart of hydrogen peroxide in its place***
  3. Clean the Washing Machine with Vinegar Again fill the washer with HOT water but this time add one quart of white vinegar.  Same routine-set on the longest cycle and let it agitate a few minutes then sit for one hour.  After the hour complete the wash and rinse cycle.
  4. Wipe out the washing machine and clean detergent trays: Wipe down the entire inside and outside of the machine with 1 cup hot water and 1 cup vinegar mixture using a microfiber cloth (affiliate link). 

Don’t forget to wipe the blades of the agitator inside the washer drum. If your detergent and fabric softener dispenser have soap scum built up in the nooks and crannies like mine did and they are removable soak in hot water with vinegar for ten minutes then wipe down.  If they aren’t removable pour a cup of white vinegar (warmed in microwave) in them and then wipe clean after a few moments. You can also scrub with an old toothbrush and a water and baking soda paste for any stubborn spots, just wipe with a clean damp cloth to remove the residue afterward.


You can substitute hydrogen peroxide for the bleach


How often should you clean your washing machine?

If your machine is not very dirty and doesn’t need a deep clean, you can maintain it by running an empty load with 1 cup of vinegar once a month.
If your top load washing machine has a lot of build up I recommend cleaning it thoroughly as described below, then maintaining it with monthly vinegar cycles. I try to run my maintenance vinegar cycles on the first of the month so I don’t forget to do it.

How to prevent mildew smell in your washing machine

Even if you regularly clean your washer, it can still sometimes get a mildew smell to it. The solution to this is too easy-after running the machine, keep the lid open to allow it to dry out. Closing the lid when it is wet is a sure-fire way to get a stinky washer!

washing machine after cleaning

And there you have it-a sparkly, clean washing machine, free of build up and grime!

When you’re finished don’t forget to learn How to Clean a Dryer next!

So spill it-when is the last time you cleaned your washing machine? Did you know you’re supposed to do this at least twice a year, more if you have hard water?? Learn something new every day!

You might also like these cleaning tips:

This post was originally published in May 2013 and updated with additional information in June 2020.

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  1. Thank you for the post. Although I am pretty good about keeping the outside clean, I have never done a “deep clean” on the inside. My washer is 4 years old. Yep, 4 years of gunk and grime built up. When I was finishing up on the vinegar stage, I opened the lid and saw the water. YUCK! I feel like my clothes are going to be so much cleaner now. And I know my washer is thankful because it can do its job so much more efficiently. 🙂

  2. Thank You!!!

    My washing machine was starting to smell like mildew and looking pretty bad (I thought I was the only one). I did clean it today with hot water, bleach, old toothbrush, towel and scrub brush. Most of the gunk came off. Now I wish I’d have come to Pinterest first!

    I didn’t think of cleaning under the agitator blades like one poster stated – OOPS!

    I will do your method tomorrow just to make sure it’s completely clean.

  3. After running a cycle with vinegar I think I will try to run one with essential oils for a great smelling machine! #oils4everyone

  4. I’ve seen some that are even more neglected particularly when I do bond cleans for homes which are fully furnished.
    The one thing I would also mention is to
    *Clean out the lint filter every few days or at least weekly imo
    If your machine has some bad smells emitting from it, chances are the lint filter is the culprit.
    Good ole vinegar is a great cleaner – these instructions above suit one’s dishwasher also (though always check the instruction manual).
    Once cleaned – just take 1 minute before you start your washing to wipe down and clean out. That’s all it takes to save you the time it takes for a major clean up.

  5. I laugh at your reluctance to share your before picture…. you have not seen my machine!!! LOL
    I am definitely going to try this as mine is…definitely far, far worse. I have tried other things and nothing has worked thus far.

    Have a lovely day…and thanks again for sharing

  6. Thank you for the tip. i didn’t know we ever had to clean them out. i dont have the bleach, but i do have a gallon of vinegar! Then again there are only 2 people in my home, so i only do about 5 loads max a week.

  7. Good article, but allow me to add one thing. For those of you with hard water, put a couple packs of Kool-Aid brand lemonade into your washer and run it through a cycle. It will clean hard water deposits, lime and rust. This will also work in your dishwasher.

  8. you should see mine my husband works on and around tar and grease and all kinds of black greasy stuff. I spray it down with greased lightin and wipe it with paper towels them wash is out

  9. Thank you so much for posting this! I just cleaned mine out according to your instructions and it worked beautifully! Our washer/dryer is about 9 years old now and it sure needed it! Thank you, thank you! 🙂

  10. Iam going to go do mine right now!!Jessi maybe you could suggest to the manager of the apartment’s.Thanks for the info!!

  11. Love this – thank you!
    Question – it looks like I have the exact same washer as you – but my detergent and fabric softener holders seem pretty well in place. Did yours come our easily? I don’t want to yank mine out and break them 🙂 Thanks!

    1. Oh mine don’t come out! I had to use the warm vinegar method I mentioned. Sorry, I should have clarified that!

  12. This is amazing. I was just scraping at that gunk in my washer today and went searching on pinterest for info on how to clean it! I will definitely be trying this. Pinning now!

      1. It’s been a busy summer, but I finally had time to do this today — and it TOTALLY WORKED. I did have to do a little bit of elbow grease on it with a paper towel, but this sequence really helped loosen up the gunk and the soap scum. I thought I would be scraping that stuff off for hours and it only took about 15-20 minutes with a paper towel to really get it cleaned off to my satisfaction after I did a the bleach load and then the vinegar load. I scrubbed it using the water with vinegar in it from the 2nd load of putting vinegar in the water.

        It was astonishing to me when I scrubbed under the agitator blades — there was actual brownish-looking, crusty dirt/scum, and this washing machine is only about three years old! I am glad I got this cleaned. I have a feeling this will help my washer rinse much more cleanly and quickly. Thanks again!

  13. The washing machines for our apartment building are shared, and they’re super icky! I wish I had my own, at least right now I feel like having to clean the thing is a small price to pay for being able to do my own laundry in my home whenever I want! Probably will change my mind pretty quick once I actually have one and have to do maintenance like this on it though. 🙂

    1. It’s the first time I’d cleaned it in three years! I definitely won’t wait that long next time though-it was super easy!

  14. I totally need to get in my laundry room and clean up my machine! I try to do it every so often, but it’s gotten kinda yucky!

    Great tips, Melissa!

  15. I have never cleaned my washing machine! Well, I wipe down the dust off of the edges, but that’s about it. Mine’s still fairly new and I’ve been waiting for it to start stinking or something to tell me it’s time. Since I’m on well water though, I probably shouldn’t wait that long. Thanks for the tip!

    1. I did not want to post the pics of how grimy mine had gotten but it had to be done. You’re a good friend for not making fun!

  16. You could have taken your pictures in my washing machine – but soon, mine will look all pretty and shiny like yours! Great tutorial – pinned!

    1. How do I make my washer maintain the water in the machine without draining by itself for an hour? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

      1. Usually you can just turn it off or use a soak option Jessica, it all depends on your machine. Hope that helps!