How to Clean Oven Glass-Inside, Outside, and In Between!

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Finally, get your oven sparkling clean with this step by step tutorial for how to clean oven glass, including those stubborn interior stains!

how to clean oven glass naturally

How to Clean Oven Glass?

You know those nagging to-do list things that never seem to get done? Motivating to clean oven glass has always been one of those things for me. We just moved into our home six months ago so my glass wasn’t too bad but it was bad enough that I noticed it every time I opened the oven (and I may or may not have hung multiple tea towels on the handle to cover it up from the outside!)

Because this is one of the cleaning questions I get asked the most I wanted to share my full step by step tutorial showing how to clean oven glass with you today.

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Cleaning Oven Glass Tutorial

For tackling the entire oven, see this tutorial on how to clean your oven.

Items Needed:

  • white vinegar or other glass cleaner
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • scouring pad
  • paper towel

Directions for getting oven glass clean:

  1. Spray outside glass with vinegar and wipe down with paper towels.
  2. Clean inside of the oven glass with a scouring pad using the “hack” below.
  3. Sprinkle inside oven glass liberally with baking soda.
  4. Use a damp scouring pad to create a paste and rub into the oven glass.
  5. Leave the paste up to twenty minutes to allow dirt to loosen.
  6. Wipe oven glass with a damp paper towel to remove paste.

Here is what I was working with (don’t judge!)

dirty oven glass

I held the tea towel behind it so that you could see the grime.  Pretty gross, right? I wiped down the exterior with white vinegar and that surface came clean easily.  Next, I wanted to clean the interior of the glass-this is one that challenges a lot of people.  There are two ways you could go about it depending on your commitment level.

Cleaning Between Oven Glass Layers

Option 1: First, you’ll see screws on the inside of the door-depending on the brand of oven you may need a special tool to open it which you can easily find at any hardware store.  I recommend taking a picture of your screw and showing them at the store so they can direct you to the proper tool-I’ve seen star-shaped screws, square, etc. 

*Update 2018-a reader comment below mentioned someone breaking their oven glass trying to remove it with the screw method, so I recommend trying the hack method first if possible to avoid undue risk!*

oven door screws

Option 2 (preferred): If you don’t want to go through the trouble of opening it or if you’re like me and your interior glass isn’t terribly dirty you can go the “hack” route.  Open the bottom drawer of your oven and feel along the bottom edge-there are openings along there.

how to clean inside oven glass

Using a long wooden skewer-attach a scouring pad, wet rag, or sponge to the end and stick it up in there to clean it out.  I used a damp natural scouring pad and it worked fine, but as I said I just moved into my home 6 months ago and mine was not very dirty. 

Be careful if you do this method with a metal coat hanger, I’ve seen tutorials with them online that seem like they could easily scratch your glass if you aren’t careful.

cleaning inside oven glass

Cleaning inside the oven door

Next onto the interior of the oven door-this is where the worst of the gunk is baked on.  But that’s okay because we have the best cleaner out there-baking soda! Sprinkle liberally across the glass.

cleaning oven naturally

Use a wet scouring pad to create a paste and scrub the glass thoroughly-this takes a little elbow grease but I prefer that to stinky chemicals any day! If your oven glass is very dirty you can leave the paste on the door for twenty minutes. This will allow it time to work it’s magic!

how to naturally clean oven glass

Finally, wipe the door clean with damp paper towels. Voila! A clean oven door!

easily clean oven glass

See the difference?? (I held the towel under it again to see the contrast with the picture at the top of the post.)

That’s it-you’re all done.  It only took me about 10 minutes from start to finish and makes a world of difference in the glass!

tutorial clena oven glass

Now you can brag to all your friends that you know how to clean between oven glass! You’re a cleaning superstar!

You  might also like these cleaning tips:

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  1. Wow, I’m so impressed with the thoroughness of this post! I’ve been struggling with cleaning my oven glass for ages, and your step-by-step guide made it seem effortless. The tip about using baking soda and water to soften the grime was a game-changer – my oven glass has never looked better!

  2. You should be able to take the door right off and lay it flat. In your oven book it should tell you how to remove it, or go onto the Internet. You could find instructions there.

  3. Ok, I have to try the clean between oven glass. Mind blown.
    I’m looking to fire my cleaning company and do it myself. The cost are just skyrocketing.
    Oh nice, I see in the comments, abut using lemon juice. I’m gonna try this. Should give a nice clean smell.

  4. My oven door is “vertical” not “horizontal”. I will try the paste method, but most will probably fall off. Any other tips please?

  5. I used the baking soda and it worked like a charm. I had a stroke and my hand shake so I spill pies going into the oven. Any hints to help me on how I c an get a messy pie into the oven with no spills ?

    1. Try placing pie on a cookie sheet before placing in oven. That way, if it spills, it won’t end up on the oven door or oven interior.

    2. The cookie sheet idea works for me. However, I place a sheet of parchment paper on a heavy cookie sheet or pizza pan, then place my pie on it. The paper catches the drips of pies that bubble over, keeping both the oven and the cookie sheet clean.

    3. Hello Shirley
      I also had a stroke so I understand completely. Try using a short stool & slide it as close the the oven as possible. An other idea for bubbling over pies, buy a box of “Copper BBQ Grill Mats” for the oven. There are many types out there & I’m sure they’re just as good, but I went with the copper ones. Since my box contained two, one for the BBQ of course! They’re also good under any type of baking sheet, dish or casserole for a little extra protection from burning the bottom.

  6. I spilled some greasy liquid on top of the stove and some if ran between the door and the glass. Do I take the door off to get to the inside of that window.?

    1. I had this same question. A guest spilled “stuff” down the vent of my oven door between the glass. Should I take the door apart?

  7. Cleaning the oven glass was the miracle I was looking for just using baking soda. WOW! It looks like new!

  8. This is a very nice way to clean an oven without using chemicals. I’m going to do this today and see how it goes. Thanks

  9. I have pinned several “recipes” for cleaning the oven door. But they all seemed very messy so I never got around to trying them. I tried the baking soda and scrubbing sponge and it work like an absolute charm! I have to say I am seriously impressed that something so simple could work so well! Thanks for the tip, I feel like I need to announce this from the rooftops! I really was so intimidated by cleaning my messy oven door and now it looks brand-new!